
I decided to start a new project, coinciding with the construction of the Stronghold, to differ a bit because that project, for the type of construction I have planned, it really is engaging me a lot.

The model I intend to create, therefore, will be a very easy task... a medieval/fantasy style house where the first floor will be built with classic bricks, and the upper floors will be half-timbered.

I was inspired by the model of the photo:
medieval/fantasy house
The model, at least for the moment, will be called Crazy House and the scale used will be 1:32.

Ground floor

I will build it in layers. The image above will be mainly an inspiration model, but I'm going to add and modify some parts to give it, so to speak, a personal signature.

I'll start with the ground floor, which will be entirely built of bricks. Firstly, I'll build the four walls:
Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene
Then I'll go on stocking up on bricks. I'll do this by cutting various strips with a thickness of 8mm, afterwards these will be further cut in order to give them the size of the final brick:
Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene

I'll also realize less thicker bricks ... I will use them for the arches of the doors...
Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene
The first floor will be 20cm tall because, in addition to the entrance to the main façade, on the side I will add a staircase that will lead to a secondary entrance.

I will start by gluing the front wall to the right side:
Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene
The entrance will be an arched one. I could use a compass to draw it, but in this case a roll of tape I have at hand will be useful. :D
Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene
Once drawn where the arch will be located, I will define the entrance, and then extract the space where the entrance door will be built:
Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene

Throughout the arch, the thinner stones should be further cut to form a trapezoidal shape. This is done in order to allow the product to assume the direction of an arc during application:
Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene
This is how the main entrance looks:
Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene
As you can see, in order to give more movement to the design, I used a larger vault, as well as two large lateral stones on which I will later mount the lampposts on the wall (as already experienced with the Tavern).

Now I can start laying the bricks. I'll start from the lower right area.
Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene

As I'll proceed with the laying, it's good practice to check to be aligned as it's very easy, unless you have previously marked with a pencil the arrangement of the bricks, to find yourself having rows of bricks twisted and not parallel to the ground.
Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene
On the main façade, I'll add exposed beams. This makes the design much more attractive:
Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene
In the right side façade I would like to create a secondary entrance accessible through a stone staircase. For the moment, I'll cut out polystyrene strips, of the width of the steps, and whose length will represent the space occupied by the staircase:
Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene
I will place the battens on the wall so I can get an idea of where the second entrance door will be positioned. I will also use the previously removed piece of polystyrene to draw its contours:
Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene
At this point I will be able to proceed with the creation of the second entrance (which will always be an arc). Furthermore, I will also create a small side window:
Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene
Finally I proceed to the laying of the bricks on the walls. Now, the current situation of the crazy house:
Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene Tutorial how build a fantasy house in polystyrene